What is Sensor Mode?
Sensor mode allows you to use your Knocki in a whole new way!
Typically, Knocki waits for designated tap sequences before activating tasks. However, with the Sensor Mode activated, Knocki responds to ANY vibration. Upon detecting a vibration, it triggers the tasks that you've set.
When Should I Use Sensor Mode?
Sensor mode comes in handy for a variety of scenarios. For example, you can:
- Receive a notification any time someone knocks the door.
- Receive a notification any time the garage door opens or closes.
- Turn on lights in your entryway if the door is knocked.
- Know if your partner is sneaking into the fridge or pantry at night.
How to Access Sensor Mode?
First, make sure your device is updated to the latest firmware version (1.0.3-rel) or newer.
See the article: How to Determine Knocki's Firmware Version.
If you are on firmware with prefix 1.0.2, your firmware needs to be updated before Sensor mode becomes available in your account. Contact support@knocki.com, to request a firmware update.
Once you confirm that you're on the latest firmware,
((Sensor mode can be accessed under device settings (tap the gear icon).
Under settings, select the "change mode" option.
Next, toggle sensor mode on.
Finally, you can increase the sensitivity by tapping the sensitivity option as shown below, and start adding any tasks you'd like to trigger!
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