Knocki can control a variety of TP-Link smart plugs and light switches.
How to Set Up TP Link
1. Using the KASA mobile app, access your Kasa account and verify that you have at least one TP-Link Kasa plug or switch connected to the account and connected to the cloud. See these instructions to setup your Kasa devices in the Kasa app.
2. Once you have a cloud-connected Kasa plug or switch in your Kasa account, select the Kasa task from within the Knocki app.
3. You will then be promoted to sign into your KASA account.
4. Once you have submitted your Kasa login information, you will redirected back to the Knocki app, where you'll be able to see the cloud-connected devices from your Kasa account:
5. After selecting a specific device that you'd like to control, you'll then have the ability to toggle power, or turn the switch/plug on or off.
6. Confirm that your integration is working by tapping the "Test" option in the task you have created.
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